Saturday, September 6, 2008

Horsey Hide n' Seek

Dancer let herself be caught today! YAY!! Score one for Erica! I was in the pasture with Dancer's halter and I decided to go sit on a barrel. I had to think for a minute on how I was going to try to catch her today. And thanks to a sudden burst of intuition, I came up with the idea of playing hide and seek!! So, I got off the barrel and hid behind it. Then, I sprinted around to hide behind another barrel and the silo and a tree and another tree and . . .you get the idea.

So, Dancer picked her head up and looked at me two times total. But I couldn't get her curious enough to actually come see what I was doing. And eventually, I got tired of running and Dancer stopped caring about the wierd person running around the pasture. So, I changed my strategy a little bit. This time, I played a little catching game with her: I walked up to her and drove energy towards her HQ until she looked at me. Once she gave me two eyes I sprinted back to hide behind a barrel. Next time, instead of running back behind the barrel, I turned around and walked back. After that, I gave her a treat and then walked back. Next time, she let me walk all the way up to her to give her the treat. Since she was being really accepting, I tried putting the lead rope around her neck to see if she'd let me. She did, so I walked with her a little ways and then put the halter on!! I was so excited that she actually let me!!

Well, I can't say much else was exciting, because after I got the halter on, I just let her graze for an hour before the farrier showed up. But it was quite an accomplishment to have her want to be with me again!!


  1. Dancer sounds alot like my Belle :) Is she a horse, pony? just curious

  2. She's a horse, lol. I think she's about 14.2ish. And now that I think about it, Belle does sound a lot like Dancer. And, if you're going through anything similar to what I am (catching related), then I feel your pain!! The day I wrote this post was a good one and I thought that maybe we had finally hit a breakthrough, but I was wrong, lol. The next couple days, she'd been as uncatchable as ever.

  3. Dancer's a horse, lol. She's about 14.2ish. And now that I think about it, Belle and Dancer sound a lot alike!! Well, if you're going through anything similar to what I am (catching related), then I feel your pain!! The day I wrote this, I thought we'd had a breakthrough. But I was wrong, the days following she was as uncatchable as ever. *sniff, sniff*
