Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Passion Trap

"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder."

 For me, finding my passion is exactly the same. See, until recently, I had a belief that I couldn't be happy until I had found my passion. However, that is obviously not true! Yet I can't tell you how long I believed in that belief! I somehow thought that if I just woke up one morning and knew "the thing" that I loved and always would love, that my life would flip itself right side up and become marvelous. But I am slowly discovering that that is not how my life works. I have never had any huge wake-up calls in the form of external events (like deaths of a loved one, being fired, being on fire, etc). Changes in my life have always occurred as a result of slow changes due to a realization on my part. Exactly like this post here! Not saying that I won't ever get one, just that I have never had any to date.

So I am proud to say that I am no longer stuck in the passion trap :) I am no longer making my happiness dependent on whether or not I find this mythical 'passion.' Because it really is not a big deal. I have plenty of things that I love in my life, and who cares whether or not any of them is 'my passion?' I could have (and likely do have) plenty of passions and that's ok.

If anyone else is struggling with discovering your passion as well, I invite you to take some time off and stop using the word passion. By all means, do some introspection and think about what you love, but don't get hung up on the word or the exact result. It's not worth it, I promise ;)

Passionately "passion"-less,

Friday, June 14, 2013

Attacked by a Gremlin

Yes, it is true. I have been attacked. But not by any normal creature like a dog or cat. No. I have been attacked by a gremlin. While not a real creature, in the sense that it is invisible, it is incredibly cunning. It lives inside my head and heads up frequent attacks of self-doubt and 'shoulds' and insults.

It is not my friend. And nor do I want to make it one. However, I do wish to make peace with it. According to the Master's Course (where I will learn in depth about gremlins), everyone has a gremlin. And I am so proud to be able to say that the course is teaching me to feel when I'm being attacked by it. Before I thought it was a part of me, but now I realize that it's not. When I feel really unsure or hateful or unhappy, many times it's not me that's unhappy, but my gremlin.

Note: My gremlin is named Lyle and he's a crocodile, because I heard that somewhere and said "ha! That's mine!" But I have also heard people reference their inner child as another term for the same thing, so I decided to have a little child too named Cami. Sometimes it helps me to picture a child throwing a fit, other times I like to imagine Lyle rearing his ugly snout.

Just now, Cami had a huge tantrum. She was throwing things and begging me and threatening all at once, and I took a step back and said "wow, this really doesn't feel good." See, another tool I have learned is the "hell yeah" vs "hell no." I was presented with the option of going shooting today, which sounded cool, but the person immediately emphasized that it's super muddy and the mosquitos were going to be vicious. So my first instinct was "hell no." I get bit up like crazy, and I'd rather go on a less mosquito full day.

I noted this immediate reaction and decided to stick with it. But it's so interesting, as the time came when everyone was preparing to go, I could feel the pressure mounting on me that I should go to.

Cami had all of her usual tricks going: "You're being dumb. Just go. You know you want to. Everyone else is going. What are you gonna do at home for 3 hours by yourself? This opportunity doesn't come around every day you know." To top it all off as well, my uncle jokingly calls me a wimp and my head was screaming "ahh!"And as everyone but me piled into the car, I felt incredibly anxious. "What am I doing? Why don't I just go?" I was so tempted to ask them to wait for me right at the last second. But I knew it wasn't what I wanted. It was what my people-pleasing gremlin wanted.

"Oh, don't think I'm a wimp! Wait! I'll go!" it shrieked in my head.

But honestly, I'm the only one I have to please. And my first thought was "you know? I could use a break. I've been around people constantly for about a day now and I'd like some down time. It doesn't matter what they think of me. They're not me."

So, here I am writing a blog post comfortably from my living room :) I was able to say no. My stomach is pretty tense and my brain hasn't quite calmed down yet, but it's definitely progress.

As the Master's Course has emphasized, the ideal is to be able to honestly say "I love myself NO MATTER WHAT." Love should not be conditional. I want to get rid of the "Well, I'll love you Erica, but only if you go on this shooting trip. And wear these clothes. And be the perfect host. And blah blah blah." No. Screw that. I am perfect AS I AM. And I have choices. While I do want to go shooting this summer, I do not have to beat myself up about choosing not to right now. There will be other times.

I give myself permission to do what I want. I give myself permission to reject people's opinions of me. I give myself permission to love myself even though I didn't go shooting. I give myself permission to do what is the most delicious thing for me at this time :) That's really what it comes down to.

And at this moment, writing a blog post is the most delicious thing I can think of :) It's helping me to calm down. Because I am the kind of person who usually says no to a lot of things, people are used to guilting me into it. And now my gremlin has taken over that role.

It also helped me to think "20 years from now, what would I be most proud that I did right now? Went shooting or stayed home?" And to me, since I knew staying home was what I really want, I would rather listen to myself than fulfill a goal on a list.

However, my gremlin still hasn't totally calmed down. I can fill this graspy energy whenever I think of my uncle now. I feel like I have to prove to him now that I'm not a wimp, since he called me one. People-pleasing at its finest ;)

Ha! Ok, I am now finishing this post exactly an hour and a half later than when I started it. . . Well, I know why I wanted to stay home . . . I just had a fascinating conversation with my mom that really fulfilled me :) So, listening to what I wanted turned out awesomely!

Life is wonderful! And everything happens for a reason ;)


Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Future is Mine!!!

"Except, which future exactly? The one with you as X or Z? Oh. . . as both? . . . Ok, how's THAT going to work? And what about Y? Didn't you still want to do that?"

Haha ok, needless to say I still am in the midst of deciding what I want to do for a career. However, I thought I would explore a few options today, because there are some things that I have been thinking of doing. . .

While I am still playing around with the idea of horses, there are a few things that I could see myself doing in regards to them. These aren't exactly conventional (some are actually more volunteer-sy), but they still sound awesome to me:
  1. Spending time in Ibiza, Spain doing Parelli with horses while helping children. There's a lady named Karen Sailer who's already in Spain doing exactly that, and I think it would be awesome to combine my interests in Spanish, travel, horses and helping kids all at once! This probably wouldn't be a career, but it'd still be awesome to do!
  2. I cannot for the life of me find the article, but I am almost positive there was an article in the Savvy Times a long time ago about a Parelli Professional who got to travel and spend a few weeks in another country to help out the locals with their horses. Similar to the above, just it would be in a less-developed area
  3. Being an equine-assisted therapist. These are people who work in the self-help field yet get to use horses to help their clients change behaviors. Specifically, I'd love to use EAP and I'd love to learn from Linda Kohanov at her facility in Tucson, Arizona.
  4. I know it's bizarre, since I don't have a horse, but I would still really really LOVE to stay at the Parelli Center for a while. I just imagine what it's like to be there. It seems so peaceful and accepting, and I really don't care what I have to do, because I'm going to be there someday. The Parelli system has such amazing values; I really don't know what other place in the world has such a strong focus on self-improvement and growth and that is huge to me. So even if the actual horse part of things doesn't pan out, I want to work for Parelli somehow. Maybe in the blogging department ;) I just know that I LOVE their values.
I've also found myself more interested in dog psychology, too. So I think it would also be awesome to be a dog walker/ trainer. I'm talking trainer as in Cesar Millan type of trainer, though. So I think it would be fantastic to rehabilitate a dog, and currently I'm going to rehabilitate my own little scoundrel xD (he'll be a happy dog in no time! Or else! muah-ha-ha!) This wouldn't be a career for me, though, just something I'd like to do in my leisure time. I think someday I would like to train a guide dog and see how that goes . . . I think that would be very rewarding.

Back to careers, though . . . I have also been considering teaching as a future profession. It definitely has some major perks and major drawbacks. Perks = summers off, gone the same time as kids, awesome hours, talking all day. Downsides = lesson plans, possibly dealing with kids too much, grading homework, falling pay. The summers off benefit is huge, because that gives me 3 whole months to do whatever I want. That would be WONDERFUL to travel, because I know that I want to travel. Otherwise, I could just explore one of my other interests during this time. And I believe I would be teaching younger kids, too, probably more elementary school age, so in reality, lesson plans and homework wouldn't be too strenuous. But the kids would be cooped up with a lot of energy and that might get tough.

Another job I'm considering is being a life coach. This is something that I could even do on the side if I want, but it sounds genuinely awesome! The Master's Course group that I'm a part of gives me access to 2 different life coaches and so far I'm really pleased with what they've brought to the table. And it seems fun on their ends as well! I'd love to help people change their lives, that'd be fantastic! I would want to get certified through Martha Beck to be a life coach.

Kind of on the heels of the life coaching idea is that of a career coach. I'm not quite as interested in this one in the usual boring "take this career test, see any you like?, ok look up more details" blah blah blah. I like the "so. . . what excites you? What makes you want to wake up in the morning?" kind of coaching. That's awesome to me. Figuring out what your soul wants to do. And I guess, really, that is part of life coaching too. Cool :)

Another thing I want to do for a little while (or at least try) is being an editor. I'm really a words person and I think it would be awesome to read books and work with authors to help publish their work. I actually found a small publisher in Minneapolis that is looking for interns so maybe that would be something else I could try this summer somewhere closer to home.

Lastly (I hope haha) I want to be an author. It would be so amazing to publish a book. . . Just to have the feeling and proof of my contribution to the world, right in my hand. That would be phenomenal. I know it will be a lot of work, but someday I am going to publish one. I am so interested in people's life stories, I might as well write mine ;) (or not, we'll let future me decide that one)

Ok I lied. Not done yet. I forgot one of the biggest things I want to do . . . TRAVEL!! I know that for a job I'm not keen on traveling. When I say that, I mean that I don't want to travel on business trips or something. That sounds dull to me. I don't want to be in a foreign land and be stuck in meetings all day. I want to see and do things! So, as a part of my college experience, I am definitely studying abroad, I just have to decide where. And also after college, I am planning on taking a gap year and seeing the world then as well. And if I still haven't had enough, I could always join the Navy and see things that way :) I would join the Cryptology department and use my language skills, so hopefully I would come home with a better understanding of Spanish or an entirely new language under my belt.

And the only other thing I forgot is graphic design. I don't want to do it for a living, but I think it would be pretty cool to do. I would love to be able to design my own website, too. That kind of thing. It'd just be a really useful skill to have.

So, after reading all that, can you tell I've looked things up? Haha yeah, it's a lot, I know. But I think that's everything I'm seriously considering. There are a few other jobs hanging around (paralegal, librarian, psychologist), but I'm not as interested in those. I'd be ok with doing them, but I don't know. They just don't sound as exciting. Librarian sounds cool, but it'd depend on the place. I'd love to be in a library all day some days, but other days I'd just want to dance and sing down the aisles and I'm pretty sure the kids might look at me funny :D Plus, I guess I just don't want to stoop to that. I feel like people would say that being a librarian would fit me, and I agree, it would, but I don't want a job that fits me: I want to grow into it. I want to be challenged by my job :) so that means I have to pick something that's a little farther outside of my comfort zone.

Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll have a more concrete idea :)


Love is in the Air

So, I hinted at this in a previous post, but I thought I would bring it up in a separate post. I have mentioned before as well my problems with self-love and I finally decided that I am going to fix it! Thus, I have invested in a 6 week Master Course with life coaches Amy Smith and Andrea Owen.

The course just started on Wednesday with the first call, which, to be honest, I haven't listened to. However, there is a Facebook group associated with the call and I already feel much more supported in my journey as a result of this group.

And I'm very proud of myself, too! This course wasn't cheap, but I decided that I am worth it :) I read so many self-improvement books and use a lot of their strategies, but I rarely have someone to bounce ideas off of and Andrea and Amy are giving me that opportunity for a price much lower than one-on-one coaching would cost. So while it makes my inner child freak out a little at the money loss, I've decided not to listen to that part of me. Now is the time for some self-love! I am worth it! Wooo!

Now go do something nice for yourself today! And enjoy the weekend :)


Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Search for Savvy. . .

Is no more. . .

 I decided that to better reflect my life, I should give the blog a bit of a makeover. All of the old posts are still on the sidebar for the time being, however we now have a new title to reflect my new and improved life:

The Illumination of Life

Just gorgeous ;) and the web address has changed as well, btw!


Feel the Fear . . . And Do It Anyway

In the land of Parelli, this sort of phrase is not one that you will commonly find. Many horse lovers experience fear at some point in their lives, and a lot of people feel liberated that Parelli instead uses the principle of "approach and retreat" (or better: "retreat then re-approach) instead of just forcing people through their thresholds. However, I am finding that in my own life, the title may sometimes be the more appropriate thing to do.

As an example, in my life one of my goals is to develop a wider circle of friends. However, I find that many times when I am presented with an opportunity to make more friends, I tend to balk. I know what my goal is, but in the moment, my brain cannot process anything besides "ALERT: DISCOMFORT!" and I bow out. While it may make the discomfort go away, it doesn't help me reach my goal. So, maybe sometimes it would be more beneficial for me to just do it.

Another little thought: have you ever had someone who could see right through you? As in, they jumped right in and instantly blew apart your comfort zone? From time to time, I get people like that in my life. A few of my co-workers, actually, were pretty good at it (unknowingly). Usually I end up disliking people who make me feel so uncomfortable, but there was one guy at work named Jay who was pretty cool. He was extremely sociable and confident in himself and basically just thrust me into the world as if everything was easy breezy. I remember one day he ran outside of the dining room quick, because he thought he heard a gun shot, but upon realizing there was none, he turned to me and yelled "holy crap! Feel my chest! My heart's beating like crazy!" And I instantly withdrew, because I'm not comfortable doing that.

There was another guy I went to high school with, who for a time wanted to be friends with me. We were in a group together for a project and he got my number, asked me to hang out a few times (which I refused) and then quickly proclaimed that I was boring. I was pissed.
"I am NOT BORING!" I'd yell at him whenever he would tell me I was.
"Yeah?" He'd smirk. "Then what do you ever do for fun?" At my immediate glance away, he'd presume his victory and puff his chest out like a tom cat. But after a few days, he got bored with 'boring old me' and went back to talking to his friends during class. I don't think he even realizes that I still remember the encounter, because it did have an effect on me. He is SO opposite of me! Similar to my co-worker, he is loud, extremely obnoxious and social, yet intent on living it up. Literally, for me to even be near him is outside of my comfort zone. I don't know if he ever realized that.

Upon reflection, both of these individuals were good teachers for the times that they were in my life. They immediately honed in on areas where I'm uncomfortable and did a good job of making me feel that way. So while being uncomfortable feels horrible and awful, I realize now that being uncomfortable means that I'm growing. It's usually not something to be avoided like the plague. It's a good thing :)

So where are you letting fear stop you in your life? How can you be uncomfortable today?


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

To Be Happy . . . Or Not

You are the creator of your own reality

While I have heard this phrase many times, and even thought I knew what it meant in the past, I have to say that I was slightly mistaken. Have you ever really taken the time and thought about it? You are THE CREATOR of your own REALITY. So it's not your Mom, or your long-lost sister-in-law, or your pal Fido who's tweaking the gears on your life. It's YOU. YOU have complete and utter control of your own life.


What a thought, huh?

So. . . What does this mean? Well, it means that we are responsible for our own lives. Another saying I've heard a billion times: life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it. Life is not about what happens to us. It's about what we do with what happens to us.

As you may imagine, for someone on the path of self-improvement, this was a huge wake-up call to me. I have actually had this realization in the past, but it has never sunk in to this extent before. I have a bad habit of bombarding myself with information and not actually taking the time it takes to actually use this information to improve my life. Basically, I spin my own wheels. "Oh, I'm improving! See, look at all this new information I found!" But as Parelliers say, knowledge starts at the eyebrows and then it filters downwards. Or another tidbit that I actually learned in my psychology class. Learning is defined as "a semi-permanent change in behavior resulting from experience." Therefore, even though I have found all this information, if I have not actually used it in my life, it is worthless to me. I have not learned anything. It simply serves to keep me stuck.

See the reason this is so incredible to me is that I have already known this. I have become more self-aware as of late, and I realized that I had to change. But I am afraid of the unknown. Going outside my comfort zone is scary. And so I would have a huge realization like this, write it down, but then not change anything in my lifestyle. . . .

Unfortunately, that is not how life works. If I want the life of my dreams, I am responsible for making it happen.

As an example, one of my goals in life is to be fit and active. All advice books out there anywhere would tell you that being active is huge for increasing your overall happiness level. I KNOW that. I've felt it myself when I do exercise. And unfortunately (or not . . . depending on whether you want to stay stuck), there will never be a note taped to my door "Erica - you should exercise now" and then I just get up and start exercising. What I'm saying is that the motivation for exercising has to come from inside and it has to come NOW.

Ok, spare me a moment, I'm going to go on a tangent for a second. It's along these lines, I promise. One of my HUGEST things in my life was, and continues to be, finding my passion. I feel as if I've looked up and down every nook and cranny of my life in order to find it (though that's not true). About every few months, I'd have a breakdown time where I'd be so frustrated and grovel "God, why can't you just TELL me what I'm meant to do?!? That would be SOOO much easier!" But I started to think about that. . . What if that actually did happen? Could you imagine? What if I woke up one morning with a voicemail, "Hey Erica, God speaking, just wanted to let you know that you should be XYZ. K love ya, bye!" It'd be absurd! What if I didn't have any interest in doing XYZ? Or what if I didn't do it on purpose, just to see what would happen? So I realized that having someone tell me what to do wouldn't work at all. It truly does have to come from inside.

To be honest, I tell you all this with a weary heart. I would compare myself (minimally) to someone with a disease who is now told that they are cured but doesn't feel happy at this revelation. It is a wonderful thing to know, because now I am literally free to do as I please! The world is mine! But it makes me sad. I was so comfortable in the unhappiness of my old life. Was I happy? No. But I have gotten used to the discomfort. Kind of sad, right?

Anyways, I thought I would post about it and tell you all so that I am more accountable. A small part of me is tempted to just file this information away yet again so that I can play the victim once more in my life. . . However . . . that WILL NOT lead me to the life that I want to live.

So, here's to learning! And change! And being uncomfortable!


P.S. There's more to this story. I didn't go into it here, but there's a book in particular that caused a big part of this revelation and I will share it with you in another post :)

P.P.S. Also, I have yet to tell you about this wonderful self-love course that I am currently a part of . . . So stay tuned ;)