Monday, September 29, 2008

Elusive Moose

Well, I've been trying really hard recently to only spend undemanding time with the ponies (hehe). And it's going well, so I don't really have anything new to report. I'm a little impatient with the progress, but as they say "do less sooner rather than more later". Besides, he's improving!! Just not at the speed I want, lol. Anyways . . .

I realized there's a  predator in me, and that' s a little shocking! I always feel the need to just put the halter on and go, so I ended up forcing the halter onto the ponies (when they'd actually let me play with them, ah the good ol' days). I guess I found the right teachers then, lol. Neither Moose nor Dancer will let me get away with that!! :) Especially Dancer, she's made it clear she won't be forced into anything. *Nervous laugh*

On another note, we went to see a horse for my mom yesterday. She was everything she was looking for and then some!! I mean, she even costed more! So, yeah bottom line is we're not getting our hopes up. Mom wants her, yeah, but she costs too much. So, she made an offer, but we'll see. If it all pans out, I'll certainly give you more details!! Plus pictures (stupid camera didn't work at the time).

Lastly, I found another Parelli instructor!! Well, not a PP, but an instructor that does Parelli that lives about 20 minutes away from me! Fine by me!! So, we're going to go see her this weekend and if we like her I'll have a new riding lessons instructor! Which would be great, considering that the ones I currently attend are capitalizing on some of my progress-killing talents. Lol, lessons are great and all, it's just that I ride school horses and the ways I treat them are different than how I can treat the horses at home. So, I'm developing habits that aren't what I'd like to have (including, but not limited to: using a concentrated rein during Freestyle, over-analyzing, nagging, and expectations over principles). So, I'm hoping that I can downplay some of these 'talents' and learn how to get better results with a 100% Parelli mentor. Maybe there's hope for me yet! ;)


  1. Hey Erica, was out there this morning to see the ponies. OMG, moose is a taal drink of water. I guess i really wasn't sure how tall he really was till i saw in person, OMG. He is very standoff-ish, Dancer came right up to me but Moose ignored me. I went over by the trailer and Dancer followed me, and so did Moose but I think it was cuz of Dancer. He walked past me to get a drink, and Dancer was in front of the truck, he must not have seen her cuz he started to neigh and trot toward the trailer but then he caught sight of Dancer and stopped. Didn't come near me but was in the vacinity of where ever Dancer was. Dancer followed me to the little board and cinder blocks you have and I gave her a couple of good rubs, but Moose wanted nothing to do with me. I'm not sure of his horsenality. Kinda yea your here, so what, but I want to know where your are at and what your doing but don't bother me. Just a first time meeting I maybe way off base cuz I don't see him everyday like you do. He is very handsome and TALL. Hope to see you on Saturday
    Later Lisa

  2. Hahaha, yes he's quite huge. I wasn't kidding!! And WOW, what I think needs to be said here is "how interesting!" That really is a shocker that he wasn't interested in you, because he's been really curious with us! Mom and Jake will go out to feed the chickens, and he'll always walk over to go see what they're up to. Once, Moose almost stuck his head inside the coop! And yeah, if I walk into the pasture and act disinterested in him he always comes up to me (as long as I'm walking away from him).

    So, I guess that's quite funny. Dancer is standoffish (at best, lol) to me, and Moose is curious about me. But to you, Dancer is curious, and Moose is standoffish. I guess the ponies switch roles! "How interesting!!"
