Friday, June 19, 2009

Learn, Learn, Learn

Haven't updated about how things are going in almost FOREVER, because those darned Celebration reviews took me forever to write. But now that they're done, I can try and fill you in on the things I've been doing.

Firstly, we've started our round pen: half of the posts are in the ground already. We're making it out of wood, like the Parelli's have theirs. But we're going to paint ours blue! :)

I've had lightbulb moments almost every other day I've played with the ponies lately. From about a week ago, I went outside just to say hi to everyone. And Moose was grazing close by, so I decided to open up the pen that Bella was in when she was sick so he could eat the grass. I pulled out a handful and showed it to him, so he could come here and eat it. He looked at me very intensely, but no movement. I stayed where I was, because the alpha doesn't move his feet very much. Then, I leaned outside further to try and entice him. Again, no movement. I had a huge "How interesting!" moment. He doesn't trust me for some reason. So, I just fed him grass through the fence. But I have been thinking about this for a while, and have come to the conclusion that I need to focus on gaining trust in general.

And that conclusion was furthered when I tried to teach Moose do move his HQ towards me. Since he's so tall, I thought it might be easier to teach if I was above him for starters. So, I climbed our fence and sat on it. And he changed horsenality! He was LB before, but then he got RBI as soon as I got above him. Interesting! My horse has mounting fears, lol.  So, I just had him do half-circles for a while until he calmed down a little. Then, I brought him in and tried to teach him. He moved his HQ as far away from me as he could (from fear), so after 3 unsuccessful tries, I decided I should just keep doing the half-circles some more. It's useless to practice the problem, after all.

Oh, and my birthday was on the 13th, so I am now another year older!

And I played around with giving Moose a bath today since it was SOOO muggy out. And it still hasn't rained, even though it's been threatening to all day! Stupid weather . . .  I wanted it to rain because then I didn't have to sit around all day going "Is it going to rain?" Of course, like I just said I played around with  the horses anyway, but I wanted to work on the round pen some more. Oh, well. We had a good time. I got soaked and so did Moose, and the other horses got cooled off a bit, too.

Bella hasn't had her normal attitude lately around me. She's not as curious and doesn't like me as much. I lost some of her rapport somehow, so not I've got to try and get it back. And Dancer is her normal self. She is quite a mud puppy, so she had a good time today.

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