Sunday, September 12, 2010


Yeah so I think I mentioned I've been playing with Moose's canter recently. Well, he knows that if he canters, he gets grain, and grain is a HUGE motivator to him. I brought the grain bucket outside today and sat down on the bridge with is so I could shoe him away from it, and he starting doing laps at the walk around us. This is normal behavior for him, since he's an impatient horse, but hey, I had an idea: liberty circles! And Moose was all for it! I got walk, trot, canter to the right and left 2x each. The third time I sent him he kept trying to change direction on me but he was still terrific. That says so much to me that he actually understands the Circling Game now. Without the grain I highly doubt he would have been as motivated to stick close, but it is still an amazing start. :) What a cool guy!