Saturday, September 4, 2010

Learning About Myself

Well, I'm obviously home from my trip. Didn't exactly update much, but yeah. Got home last Friday, and it was absolutely terrific. Farrah is looking for more interns, so don't hesitate to contact her if you're interested. I'm planning on going back the summer of 2011, so if you're going then you'll probably see me there.

But, as to the title of this post, anyone who reads this frequently should know that I think a lot. Sometimes too much. And sometimes much to my own peril. But I am learning things about myself I did not really consider before.

1 thing in particular. One is actually due in part to my South Dakota adventures. There was a girl (we'll call her Q) interning with me who I really liked and got along with pretty well. The only problem I had was whenever I would try to explain something, I could never communicate properly with her. She would end up doing whatever I had told her backwards, if at all. And it got me to thinking, as only a Parelli student would, "how can I better communicate with her?" Well, I haven't completely got the answer yet, but I did become more conscious of what I was doing. I was assuming that she knew everything that I knew. Hehe. . . . oops. This is one of my common complaints about teachers, and I was accidentally doing it! She arrived a week after me, so I had a week to acquaint myself with the facilities and the horses and the routine of the place that she did not have. It was neither fair nor realistic to expect her to know the place as well as I did.