Wednesday, August 27, 2008

UPDATED: Attention Friesian lovers!!

On September 13th, there is going to be a show/clinic at Ots Sunrise Farms (a Friesian and Akhal-teke farm located here). The clinics start at 2pm and go until 6. The show "Night of the Horse" is at 7pm, and will include performers from Arabian Nights, Equitana USA, Equine Affair, Medieval Times, and the Midwest Horse Fair. I'm not sure at what time this event ends. There will be four clinicians there: Yvonne and Kim Barteau, Endel Ots, and Wayne Boyers. Yvonne is talking about 'defining horse personalities' at 2, Wayne is doing a 'liberty training (and the relationship with your horse') demo at 2:45, Kim's subject is 'starting young horses' at 3:30 in the round pen, and Endel has 'choosing a dressage horse' at 4:45. Also, I heard there is going to be a freestyle demo at 5, but that's not advertised on the flyer I have, so I'm not positive on that. Just so you know, these times are not set in stone: they might fluctuate depending on how long each clinician talks for.

This event is NOT free to the public (sorry, it was supposed to be free, but due to the high-end clinicians coming they decided to charge money). Tickets cost $45 for the clinics and the show, or $25 for the show only, or clinics only (kids under 10 are free, limit 1 per adult). The tickets can be bought at Tammy's Tack and Feed in Suamico or Horsey Habit in Manitowoc. So, if you're interested in seeing some Friesians, this is the place to be!!! But I must mention that these trainers are not natural, BTW. Still, it will be very exciting to see!!

Lastly, if anyone has read Yvonne Barteau's book Ride the Right Horse it has a different way of classifying horsenalities (though I like Parelli's way better, it's still interesting to get others' views). The book gives a bit of information about Yvonne, too. And also, it talks a little bit about Arabian Nights, since Mrs. Barteau used to work there. And Horsin' Around members, I will be bringing flyers to Heidi's bonfire if anyone wants one.


  1. Hey Erica, Autumn and I will be going to Otts farm, I think i had mentioned it to you last Sunday. Do you know when you and your mom will be going???? we'll meet up with yous at your house if ya want. Let me know-Have a nice weekend and I'll talk or email you on Sunday. Later Lisa and Autumn

  2. I'm not sure what time we'll be there. You'd have to ask mom. But I'm sure it'd work fine if you met us here, can't see a problem with that. And have a nice weekend, too!

  3. Hey I wana come too!! Count me in.. that place looks awesome!

    Erica, can you mention this at the bonfire to see if anyone else would like to join us?

  4. Lol, sure I can. But so sorry, the times and things have changed!! The person who told us about the event was wrong. It's going to cost money, too. So, I'm getting the CORRECT details today.

  5. Yeah, just bring all the info with you and we can see if anyone is interested. Thanks!

  6. [...] to be healed by horses. Erica also shared about a Dressage clinic being held in our area, for info click here. Thanks to everyone for coming over! I hope to see you all on the 20th for the Liberty and Horse [...]
