Sunday, December 7, 2008

Throu gh

Ever heard of Rebus puzzles before? Anyone . . . anyone? Well, if not, then here's a few examples.





I won't give away the answers until the bottom of this post, but basically that's what they are. Just word plays. Though, some are obviously going to be harder than others, as you can see. Anyways, the reason that all this is mentioned is because the title is a Rebus puzzle. So, see if you can figure it out. It should be easy-schmeezy if you read the rest of this post. But again, the answers are posted at the bottom if you have trouble.

But onto the reason for this post: a Throu  gh!!!! 2 of them, actually! So, it was an exciting day today. Now, seeing as it is Sunday, I have more time than normal with the horses. So, I went outside today with the intention of just spending undemanding time. Undemanding time with: an apple core, a halter,  12' rope, tarp, carrot stick, AND a brush! Not to mention that I'm all bundled up in snow pants and boots and gloves. Needless to say, I felt and looked quite silly! At least the ponies certainly thought so. . . lol.

I was very pleased with Dancer, to begin with. She was the first to greet me today, and thus earned an apple core for her effort. She also let me brush her which was incredible. Considering that the other horses get jealous whenever I LOOK at her, it was nice to be able to show her I care for once.

Back to the apple core scenario: Moose decides to come over, being hungry/jealous, and he let me brush him! That may sound like, "oh. . . whoopee," but for him that's amazing! If I hadn't brought all that stuff out, I probably would've left right then! So, I think our relationship is getting better in baby steps.

Afterwards, I messed around with the tarp. Sidenote: I made a decision that I'm not going to ride Moose until he trusts me enough to accept the tarp on his back. Key phrase there: until he trust me. If I feel that he trusts me enough without the tarp, then it'd be unnecessary. It's just that if he won't accept a tarp, how's he going to accept a saddle or blanket, or even a HUMAN on his back? As Pat says, "If he's afraid of blackbirds, get him used to eagles." So there was my original motivation for taking out the tarp, until Bella side-tracked me with her uber-curiousity.

Which leads me to the other 'throu gh' that happened today: Bella accepted the tarp on her! At liberty, too. While we still have more progress that can be made with it, it's a great start! I can put it over her back when it's bundled up, and I can rub her with it. I'm not keeping it there for very long yet, but she's still doing pretty good! And to make a long story short, the horses were really hungry today, because Bella started eating the tarp. I think it is only going to have a few more weeks longer to live, lol. She tore quite a hole in it. But that's okay, we have an extra.

Answers (from right to left):

  1. Up for grabs

  2. A friend in need

  3. Painless operation (if you got this one, you must be a frickin genius!! Or you've seen it before, lol)

  4. Wake up

Drumroll please . . . and the answer to the title is . . .

5.   Breakthrough

Thanks for playing! If you thought these were interesting, you can find more Rebus puzzles here.

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