- Look at ALL the options. Not just a few. Not even a handful. Find every single one of these suckers that you can and delve deeply into ALL of them.
- Now that you have all the options, be sure to become thoroughly educated on EACH of them. Maybe even make pro and con lists for each option that you're considering and compare them to each other. Lists are your friend. So are Venn diagrams. And lots and lots and lots of paper.
- Ask everyone in your vicinity what they think.
- Think incessantly about the answer.
- Worry about the answer.
- Get little sleep at night due to so much worrying.
- Encourage your friends and family to yell at you for not deciding so it will speed up the decision-making process
- Decide to decide. . . .
- But before that, reconsider all options, their pros and cons, and the opinions of everyone you know and their dogs.
- Now that you're stressed, engage in the decision-making process by asking yourself, "What should I do?"
- Beat yourself up when you don't get an answer.
- Beat yourself up when you do get an answer.
- When you start to get excited about an answer, remember the key phrase in decision-making: "yeah, but"
- Use "yeah but" any time decisions start to become too imminent.
- Decide you don't know and you'll figure it out later
- Then, look up even more options, and repeat the cycle
"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -Anais Nin