Hi! Long time no see . . . So I decided to do this thing on Facebook where I post one truth about myself every day for at least 10 days and I've discovered something . . . when I thought about posting on blogger, I felt a huge resistance . . . Guess what? I actually HATE blogging . . .
I love to journal/ write, don't get me wrong. But for whatever reason, I don't like blogging. It's not fun. I have to sit here and stare at this bright computer screen and spout marvelous ideas that will get me followers (or so it seems) . . . it's not my idea of fun. . . .
So, I think I'm done. I give myself permission to never post again until I want to. If I ever want to.
I'm sure you'll hear from me again, though, if not through this blog, then in another form. . .
Because I have plans in the making ;)