Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Passion Trap

"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder."

 For me, finding my passion is exactly the same. See, until recently, I had a belief that I couldn't be happy until I had found my passion. However, that is obviously not true! Yet I can't tell you how long I believed in that belief! I somehow thought that if I just woke up one morning and knew "the thing" that I loved and always would love, that my life would flip itself right side up and become marvelous. But I am slowly discovering that that is not how my life works. I have never had any huge wake-up calls in the form of external events (like deaths of a loved one, being fired, being on fire, etc). Changes in my life have always occurred as a result of slow changes due to a realization on my part. Exactly like this post here! Not saying that I won't ever get one, just that I have never had any to date.

So I am proud to say that I am no longer stuck in the passion trap :) I am no longer making my happiness dependent on whether or not I find this mythical 'passion.' Because it really is not a big deal. I have plenty of things that I love in my life, and who cares whether or not any of them is 'my passion?' I could have (and likely do have) plenty of passions and that's ok.

If anyone else is struggling with discovering your passion as well, I invite you to take some time off and stop using the word passion. By all means, do some introspection and think about what you love, but don't get hung up on the word or the exact result. It's not worth it, I promise ;)

Passionately "passion"-less,