Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Happened to the Horses?

Oh man, it was an AMAZING day today. For me. :)

Moosey was in a SUPER good mood, so I even tried playing games while having the 22' around his neck and no halter. I decided that we weren't quite ready for that yet, but he gave a nice effort!

And to put things in perspective for you, I even sat on Moosey today for the first time since we bought him. That's how good he was! And I don't even know what made him so good. . . unless changing the obstacles in our pasture really had that much of an impact on him, lol. It just seemed that he was happy being with me today! And LB, too!

But yeah, I guess that sums up what he thought of yesterday. I would grade myself a big A+, which is quite a relief.

On the contrary (and quite to my amazement), Bella was being a little (big) BRAT today! I mean, calm, loving, friendly, "pet me pet me" Bella tried to bite Mom! We were astonished!

Personally, I still like my theory that someone switched Bella and Moose's brains for a day. Because seriously, that was what happened: Moose was EXTREMELY friendly, loving, cuddly, LB, just a lovely character to be around. I mean, he even had TOO MUCH draw!!! I thought I'd never see the day. . . today, I could barely get him to do a circle, because he kept coming in -normally, me and 3 elephants can't make him come in.

Now, Bella was being the opposite! She had NO draw (for her, that's like saying the sun doesn't shine in Hawaii), was throwing tantrums, and was over-reactive! Well, Mom is usually passive and today she acted like a leader, so "how interesting" that today is the day Bella is sassy! I guess she isn't such an angel after all, silly girl.

Overall, I had a very nice day, I hung out/played with Moose for a long time today. We'll just have to see if today was a freak of nature or if I'm actually more savvy than I thought. And it'll be interesting to know how Bella acts tomorrow.


  1. Yay progress! I can't wait to see them!

  2. your a silly girl-seeing you with moose from when he first came to your house is a big improvement. Like you said your biggest challenge is becoming dancers friend-you'll get there.

  3. Thanks! And I know, I'm excited, too!
