Horses are so ridiculous! I played with Moosey today, it was good overall. It didn't start out very well, though. I decided to use the 22' line today, since I haven't used it for a month or two. Apparently, having that extra rope says to my predator side "Make that horse move," because Moose started having lots of opposition, and then just ran off. Since he seemed to be on adrenaline, I decided to really make him use it this time. We did Falling Leaf all over the pasture, and he even worked up a sweat (silly, out-of-shape pony)!
I wasn't sure if he had calmed down completely yet, so I let him in to check. He seemed fine, since he came off adrenaline a little bit. I let him get a drink then, too. I thought about ending the session right there - I was starting to feel frustrated again, because of this darn adrenaline thing - but changed my mind. I figured we should do one more thing first. Just then, my mom walked up. I talked to her for a few minutes, and observed that Moose looked LB! And that means that I was actually doing things right, which halted the frustration in its tracks.
Next, I tried Stick to Me. We haven't done it in a while, and I needed something to do, so what the heck? It went AMAZING! I was so impressed, because as soon as he understood he was supposed to stay near me, he did superb!! We walked and trotted around together like we were joined at the hip. So proud of my man! :)
But I'm not going to get too hyped up yet. I need to see Moose's reaction to me tomorrow, since it's his opinion that counts, after all. My fingers are crossed. . .
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