What is your dream with your horse?
My dream with my horse is to get as far as we possibly can get. I want to understand him, and then use that understanding to develop a partnership. I would love it if I could get Moose to want to be with me, play with me, and have fun when we play. Right now, I am amusing to him, but I am not his alpha. I hope to change this, and get to where I can apply what I have learned from him to any horse I meet. Something I think would be absolutely amazing is if I could get to where I could ride him to help me with other horses. I think that would be absolutely awesome. It is my definition of a partnership, that he would choose to stick with me and understand my communication instead of yielding to another horse.
On the same plane, my goal for myself is to become a better person. I could never leave Parelli if I tried, because it really is a people-training program. I don't know any other program that actively encourages such self-development. Ok, well maybe I know of some, but that use horses and that anyone could understand, no. It's absolutely amazing.