So, he's been doing really well. Today we had a little glitch, because my neighbor was flying his RC airplane and so Moose was pretty freaked out, so I didn't continue with what we've been working on, since he wans't in a learning frame of mind.
Bella, on the other hand, has got me all confused. I just can't seem to play with her, and get anything good accomplished. I seriously am starting to think she's at least bi-polar. She's playful, bolts when scared, super-sensitive, mouthy, curious, absolutely LOVES people, somewhat over-reactive, forgiving (to a point), food-motivated, dominant, tense, either walks or runs, all these at different times and here's the breakdown of her confidence areas:
- Environment - SUPER confident in her environment, SUPER unconfident outside her environment
- In the herd - Pretty confident
- By herself- Pretty unconfident
- As a learner - pretty confident
- With me as a leader - Don't know, but not a whole lot.