7 years ago. . . I never knew Moose existed. I've now owned him for 10 months. And guess what happened a few days ago!?! Moose's old owner called us! It turns out 7 years ago Moose was owned by a lady named Stephanie in Dubuque, Iowa:
[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=dubuque+iowa&sll=42.187883,-91.881592&sspn=175.05107,360&ie=UTF8&ll=42.795401,-90.43396&spn=1.410774,2.334595&z=8&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
She was kind enough to tell us a little about how she got him. As I said above, she owned him since he was 7 (he's 14 now). Technically, she co-owned him. It was her and her friend, and they both did different things with him. She did mostly dressage and eventing, and her friend was into hunter/jumper. So, he did a variety of things. She had him for 5 years . . . Eventually, her friend -and co-owner- decided to move to Florida. So, they decided to just donate Moose to a children's farm in Prairie Du Chien instead of going through all the hassle of selling him (they didn't want their friendship ruined over a horse).
And if all you blog readers think back far enough (or cheat and read the older posts), you'd know that I picked up Moose from Prairie Du Chien. So, I've got the past 7 years of Moose's life figured out. He was at Stephanie's, then at a children's farm, then at his previous owner's, and now here. And since I'm not planning on selling him anytime soon, it's my hope that he has a forever home with me. :)
Now, onto other news! The round pen is completely finished. I promise I'll put up pictures. Just got to bring a camera outside for once. Dancer and Bella have changed their attitude towards me a little bit, in a good way! They like me better now, which is always good.
Moosey and I are doing well. I'm suffering through a case of Mental Block, though. I'm running out of things to do on-line in L1, and now I don't know how to teach him (and myself) Level 2 On-line. So, I think I'm going to be watching the new L2 kit from the library again. Hopefully, that should help!
And I actually got to teach Moose to play sideways game for the first sucessful time ever today! (Tried in the past, and it didn't work. He was scared of the electric fence). He's still an unconfident learner, but if I just take it slow, he does a LOT better. And I realized another key to success with him, is to WAIT after I do anything that should make him think. I noticed a long time ago that he doesn't lick his lips much, but I came to the realization recently that that is because I'm not providing him with enough time to think. And I got one full lap of Circling Game at the trot today! Gotta love the little successes.
Oh, and I sat on Moose today again, too. And he was relaxed about it. That's a pretty sweet achievement for us both, because then maybe I can start getting over my unconfidence of riding him!
And something else even: I am now going to be playing with another lady's horses, because she doesn't have enough time to play with them herself. She does Parelli, so almost all the horses know it. And there is horsenalities abound! I went by her place yesterday to meet her, so I haven't played with anyone yet, but it's going to be very cool. She has Rocky Mountains, Quarters, 2 Perlinos, a yearling, one horse that is blind in its left eye, a Standardbred that trots faster than some horses gallop, a Quarter that's smoother than her gaited hroses, a dwarf cat, and even a cat named Smokin' 22!! If I remember correctly, she has 13 horses. It's going to be very fun! I'm pretty excited.
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