Anyways, Bella was trained by the Amish to drive and was later trained to ride. She's supposed to be 16.1hh, but she doesn't seem that tall to me. I think she's more like 15.3, but who knows? We're going to be getting her on Sunday. Unfortunately, my mom thinks it's a good idea to leave at 7am. . . whatever happened to sleeping in during weekends? Jeesh! So, it'll be about a good 2.5 hour drive to pick her up.
So, yay! Another pony, finally! Mom's a bit nervous, though. As she keeps saying, this is her first horse "in 3 years and 5 months, as of Monday." I think it's a bit ridiculous that she kept track, but anyways I'm still excited for her! I'll have more details once she arrives.
[caption id="attachment_323" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="An older picture of Bella! She's such a sweetie!"]
Yay!! She's a beauty! Now I will have to take a trip to meet both Moose and Bella :)