Friday, September 19, 2008

The Journey RE-started

Have you ever heard the saying "There's a light at the end of the tunnel?"

Well, imagine that the tunnel I'm talking about is really long.

[caption id="attachment_278" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ooh, aren't they cute together!!"]Ooh, aren't they cute together?!?[/caption]

And I was trying to go through it. Well, my primary source of inspiration was that light at the end (and some friends, of course). That light was my hope. It kept me going: the notion that somewhere, somehow I was going to find "the one".

Well, I'm proud to say that I have now reached that light. And it has a name: Moose. . . . Yes, today is the day! Moose has arrived! And silly Dancer is in heat and won't let anyone near him. Hehe, she's being a cranky little mare. But I know she's happy, it's just that she's too arrogant to admit it.

And on the topic of Dancer, I have more good news!! Thanks to Heidi's advice about being too focused/intense, I have currently been able to catch her!! I tried circling in on her with the intention of brushing her. She let me stand near her in 5-8 minutes!! That's a great time considering that previously it would've taken me about a half hour, and then she would've just walked away right away anyways!! So, hopefully after a long regression, we're finally starting to get things rolling again. And I'm going to pray that I didn't just jinx myself ;). Hehe.

One more thing: I had another session at Exceptional Equestrians yesterday. It went well, and my mom and I both walked about 4 miles. Though, one walker fell down due to untied shoelaces -it was actually quite humorous once we realized what Madasa had done (Madasa untied this lady's shoelaces, and then the lady tripped)- and we had to do an emergency dismount for a child on a horse (no one got hurt)! The child, Henry,  was riding Madasa and she had a little spook. And due to Henry laying down on her, I couldn't get him off of Madasa. But luckily Donna the director plucked Henry from him and needless to say Madasa had a 'time-out' after that.

So, I've had an exciting week so far!! My Parelli journey has 'officially' RE-begun. And tomorrow we have more Horsin' Around to do. Plus on Sunday, we're going to look at a horse for my mom! So, a pretty horsey week!! YAY!!

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