Once upon a time at Ot's Sunrise Farms *drool* there was but a slight chill in the air as two women stepped out of their car. The younger lady had thin blonde hair, twirling at every breeze. Her ordinary blue eyes assessed the grand stable before her. As recognition settled in, she spoke loudly "Yep, we're here alright!" The other woman, her mother, nodded.
Yep, so my mom and I were at Ot's. Looking at a horse. Tada! So . . . details: The horse is named Vittorion.
[caption id="attachment_163" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Looks mostly Morgan to me. What a great confirmation shot, though!"]
He's an Akhal-Teke/ Morgan cross. And he was pretty RBE. So, now we'll get into the story.
Alrighty, so the lady gets Vittorion and asks where I want him: in the arena or roundpen. I decide roundpen. All the better for groundwork, right? So, the lady opens the door and leads Vittorion in. And takes his halter off. And he starts running. Obviously, she thought I wanted to lunge him.
So, I get my 22' rope and halter and go stand in the middle of the pen. Boy, was I in an interesting situation: I mean, how do I catch a galloping RBE horse with no halter? I asked his owner what she usually did to catch him. She's like "Oh, he'll usually come to me sometimes, but I haven't lunged him in a while," which got me thinking "Oh, boy!" I thought for a couple minutes and then just decided that I'd try and act as non-threatening as possible. So, I just kind of walked around and tried to give him as much space as possible. After a couple of minutes, he decided to come to me. I petted him with the halter all over, but he wasn't paying me any attention now, because he could see his buddies. I tried to get the halter on, but he wanted to run again, so I said "let me help you!" Then, I went back to being non-threatening and after walking around a little bit, I went over to the other side of the pen and turned my back to him. He came up to me again. This time he let me put the halter on. :)
Now, I'm going to allow myself a little room to ramble. The reason being that this horse was AMAZING!! Granted, I haven't seen many RBEs, but this one was incredible!!! SOOOOO sensitive! I played with him for only an hour, and it was like he already knew Parelli (and I know for a fact he didn't)!! I wish I could've gotten a video, he was SOOO incredible. Okay, achievements: Friendly went good, but in the beginning he was distracted so that didn't really count; Porcupine HQ phase 1, FQ phase 2ish; Driving he totally aced, HQ phase .5 (lol), FQ phase 2ish; Yo-yo was incredible, I got him backing off Phase 1 simply because of my body language; Circling I didn't have time for; Sideways I skipped; Squeeze game wasn't the best. Also, another big thing (in my mind at least) is that Vittorion didn't need the carrot stick. His phase 4 was (usually) barely touching him. It was incredible. I mean, when I got home, I was giggling, I was so happy!
But I was trying to think if I could see myself riding that horse (after we'd prepared properly, of course), and the answer I've come to is I really don't know. I think I'll go see him again
and have the lady ride him first. Then, we'll see how I feel about it.
See, what I'm really unhappy about is that Vittorion's temperament is a 6.
I don't think I want a horse that spirited, (though it's certainly something I'll eventually need to be able to handle) yet I have no interest in buying a peanut-pusher either. Oohhh, but Vittorion was so amazing! Ahh, I hate decisions. Lol.
Lastly, I have to mention that the barn Vittorion was stalled
in (omg) was ALL studs. So, as I'm walking back to the barn all the studs nicker to Vittorion and about half of them get aggressive. Interesting. Anyways, we got a GORGEOUS picture of a Friesian stud.
Wow! How interesting! As you progress through the program with horses like this, their innate character usually emerges. He may become a LBE or LBI with RBE tendencies. While being ridden, he could be totally different! You just never know. Most horses when taken out of their normal routine show RBE signs... Charm does when I bring her to new places.. now they are not extreme but her head is up, ears pricked and she snorts a lot.. lol! Sometimes she can be rather spooky. Since the lady hadn't lunged him for a while.. he was probably just freaked to be out of his normal routine.
ReplyDeleteSo I would go and play with him a couple times like you said and see where he takes you... also watch him being ridden. Pay attention to what they are riding him in.. what kind of bit, is his mouth tied shut? Do they have a martingale on him? Those are all signs that he may be a little "hot" under saddle. But if he is in a snaffle with a regular bridle, well, that's good! With a Akhal-Teke/Morgan cross.. changes are you will be dealing with a more spirited horse because those are spirited breeds. So good luck!! Keep us posted.. especially when you see the lady ride him...
PS.. if you ever want a tag-along.. I would LOVE to see that place! ;)