Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Adventures of Mr. And Mrs. Brain

To say the least, the horses and I have had some interesting experiences this week.

For starters, on either Monday or Tuesday Moosey cut himself on his face. So, I haven't been playing with him on line due to the cut being close to where the halter would sit. I probably could play with him if I wanted, but I'd prefer to take the safe route and let it heal for a little while. Because of this, I am trying to play with either Dancer or Bella instead.

Yesterday, I picked Dancer. Suprisingly enough, she actually let me halter her without walking away. Though, she had her ears back the whole time. Since I didn't want to push my luck ( she hasn't let me halter her in FOREVER) once I had the halter on I just let her sit there and think about it. I brushed Moosey while I let her think. He was being extremely LB, which was just my luck, right? The day I can't/won't play with him is the day when he's the most confident. :) How ironic! Anyways, Dancer licked her lips twice so I took the halter off and called it a day.

Today, Moosey was the same: very very LB. He was in an even better mood, though. He was actually interested in me today, and followed me around a little bit. I admit I had a few bad feelings toward that cut, lol. But I decided to leave him and took out Mrs. Bella instead.

Now, here's the plot of the adventure: Bella was RB today!! And I'm positive she was this time. It was really windy out today and on windy days, Bella is usually on adrenaline. At first, I was just behind the barn with the horses, so I didn't know it was so windy. But after I haltered her up and walked over to our little obstacle area, she started staring at somewhere out of the pasture. And staring. And staring. And staring. . . and then I had a lightbulb moment: "Hey, she's not paying any attention to me . . . Omg, she's RB!" And as soon as I realized that her staring and not looking away was RB, I started interrupting the pattern. It went alright, I had to really pump up the volume a few times, but each time she would lick her lips afterwards and stare at me, so I took that as a good sign. (Besides, normally she takes forever to lick her lips. How interesting!) After she seemed reasonably left-brain again, I took her back behind the barn to take her halter off. She FINALLY started releasing adrenaline. It seemed like she must have been really keyed up.

On a considerably random ending note, I can't WAIT for Spring!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Round-about/How things worked out

So, to conclude my interview I have exciting news. It went well, for starters, but actually I'm not working there. As a matter of fact, I was offered another job at my trainer's facility!! It's similar to an internship, but there is some paid aspects of it. For instance, I'm going to be helping with lessons, especially the younger kids.

But what's cool is that I'm also going to be helping train the training horses. I'm nowhere near qualified to actually train them, but if Vicky (my trainer) has them going pretty well on something, then I am allowed to help out. Also, there is the option of going to a few shows over the summer just to gain experience on that aspect of the horse world. Overall, I am VERY pleased with the way things worked out. The other internship/job would've been nice, but this one's WAY nicer.

For those that know, I'm currently trying to find a saddle to fit Moose, and we've discovered it's not as easy as it could be. He's got HUUUUGE withers, so we might have to buy a gaited saddle for him. Well, I decided I want a Theraflex, because I might as well make things as comfortable as can be for him. He does have sensitive skin, after all, and I'd like riding/saddling to be a positive experience for him.

So, for a little bragging moment here, you won't BELIEVE what I came across! Vicki knows someone who is selling their Western TheraFlex for $150!!!! So, I'm a bit excited there. That's exactly 50% of the asking price new, so I'd say that's a bargain alright. Done deal!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

To Infinity and Beyond!

Anyone remember Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story? It seems like such a long time since I watched that movie. Ha, that was even on VHS!! Oh the horror!

But I have exciting news for you. I have an interview for a possible first 'job' this weekend. I might be working at a horse stable!! But it's not technically working, because this is actually an internship!! So, it's not paid, yet I'd be learning lots. I don't know a whole lot of details about it yet, because the ad was pretty general, but I know a few things.

For one, it's not a natural facility, but I'm not going to let that deter me until I see the actual facility and the treatment of the horses. Secondly, the facility is a show barn that shows in the AQHA circuit. They said they have quite a variety of horses there, from beginner-friendly to world champions. Going along with that, I'd get to go to shows! II don't usually go to many shows, because my family doesn't show. Maybe someday, but at the moment we're not NEAR ready, lol. If I get this 'job', then I'm going to gain lots of experience indeed!

My interview is on Sunday at 3, so I'll let you know more details on Monday or Tuesday sometime. Wish me good luck!!